Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nosebleed Ice Pack for your First Aid Kit

A nosebleed can be pretty scary, especially if you don't have them that often. But even those who suffer from frequent nosebleeds find them unnerving.
But a nosebleed usually isn't that serious. And, by using a few simple home remedies, you can usually stop a nosebleed minutes after it started.

Holding your head back isn't the best remedy for a nosebleed. Many people think the best way to stop a nosebleed is to hold your head back. But doing this will only cause you to swallow blood, which could cause nausea. It could also make you choke, cough, or gag. So, this is one nosebleed home remedy you should avoid.

Instead, sit up straight, with your head tilted slightly forward to prevent blood from running down your throat. You also shouldn't lie down on your back if you have a nosebleed. Gently blow your nose. Gently blowing your nose will help clear out any blood clots that might be preventing a blood vessel from sealing
naturally. Pinch your nostrils closed to stop a nosebleed.

Use your thumb and forefinger to gently pinch the soft part of your nose shut for five or ten minutes, breathing through your mouth. (Use a napkin to catch any drips that squeeze through.) This will almost always stop a nosebleed.

If your nosebleed hasn't stopped after the first five or ten minutes, try pinching your nostrils again for another ten or fifteen minutes. If the bleeding hasn't stopped, you should head for the doctor's office or emergency room.

Placing a cold cloth across the bridge of your nose will constrict blood vessels, and help stem the blood flow. Or use an ice pack. Nosebudd is a unique ice pack that will fit comfortably over the nose providing both cold and support to help end nosebleeds quickly and effectively. If your nosebleed was caused by a blow to the nose, applying ice will help slow the bleeding and reduce the swelling. The cold will also help blood clot a little faster. Wrap some ice cubes in a towel and gently rest it against your nose if you do not have a Nosebleed Ice Pack.

When to see a doctor
Usually, a nosebleed isn't that serious. However, you should see a doctor if:
* You've applied pressure (pinched you nostrils) for the suggested amount of time, but your nosebleed still hasn't
* Your nosebleed is severe, and blood is gushing out of your nose.

NoseBudd is a great ice pack to have in your first aid kit. NoseBudd is a reusable device designed for application to the nose during a nosebleed. In order for the product to work properly, it must be placed in a freezer until the gel has become sufficiently frozen (at least 30-45 min. prior to use). NoseBudd is designed to locate cold only where it is necessary in order to stop nasal bleeding.
Unlike a bag of ice, NoseBudd applies cold in the specific areas of the nose where bleeding occurs - which avoids cold and numbing of the face. It is non-toxic and reusable.

Nosebudd Nosebleed Stopper Sold at

Soft Knee Braces have great support benefits

Soft braces or "sleeves" are made of stretchable material such as synthetic cloth material or neoprene. Soft braces are designed to be either pulled up to fit around the knee or strapped into place using velcro or another similar method.

Soft braces have the benefits of being easy to use and easy to care for. They function by giving the knee a small amount of support. This support may be more of a function of proprioceptors (nerves that provide feedback as to orientation in space) around the knee than it is of actual knee stabilization since cloth or neoprene are not stiff enough to restrict motion.

Neoprene material is known to provide the highest heat retention and insulation of any material. Unlike elastic braces which can stretch only in two directions, neoprene braces can stretch in four. Neoprene's unique characteristics allow it to support your knee without bunching up and maintains its shape. Neoprene usually lasts longer than standard elastic braces. Many athletes use this type of brace in cold weather sports, such as skiing and ice skating.

Dr. Robert Molloy, an orthopedic surgeon at Cleveland Clinic, said a knee brace is a device that is worn around the knee to provide support and reduce excessive loading on a damaged joint. The simplest type of brace is a one-piece sleeve made of an elastic rubber -- neoprene -- that fits snugly around the knee area, which is available at

Some of the goals of the Ace Neoprene Knee Brace are :

Increase activity
Stabilize kneecap
Decrease anti-inflammatory medications
Decrease pain symptoms
Improve knee function
Provide warmth to knee
Ace Neoprene Knee Brace sold at

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Check out this cool Current Events Quiz.

You can even add your own questions.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Therma Moist Heating Pad

The Therma Moist Heating Pad requires no water to be added, as an outer flannel cover draws and retains humidity from the air. As the heating pad warms, the moisture is released from the flannel cover and onto the treated area. The heating pad is ideal for the treatment of arthritis, back pain, sprains and strains, muscle soreness, neck pain, headaches and sports injuries.

To clean, remove cover from heating pad. Machine or hand wash. Use mild detergent in cool water. Hang to dry or use set on cool gentle cycle in dryer.

* The positioning strap with Velcro-type closure ensures a secure, proper fit for maximum treatment
* The easy to use hand control features four heat settings and four time settings (Heat settings: 115/130/150/165 degrees Fahrenheit, 45/55/65/75 Celsius - Time settings: 15/30/45/60 minutes)
* Moist heat therapy is more effective than dry heat because moisture transmits heat more efficiently than air
* The heating pad will automatically shut off after treatment
* Three sizes are available to provide added convenience