Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do Your Heart a Favor with Cardiogranate

Pomegranates are a great source of natural antioxidants, which can play a big part in keeping your cardiovascular system pumping efficiently. Antioxidants are important because they help your body defend itself against free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can contribute to heart and bone disease as well as premature aging, Alzheimer's Disease, and cancer.

Human clinical trials demonstrate that the antioxidant compounds found in pomegranates can help maintain healthy blood vessels and healthy LDL cholesterol levels, and support normal blood pressure levels. The pomegranate is proven to have higher antioxidant levels than green tea, red wine, cranberries, or blueberries.

Cardiogranate - for men and women. Specially formulated to maximize the pomegranate's unique antioxidant potential and help maintain excellent cardiovascular health. Research-based and scientifically developed, Cardiogranate is just what your heart has been waiting for.

Buy Cardiogranate at