Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bongo Balance Boards

Bongo Balance Boards by Fitterfirst
An exciting expert level balance trainer forBoarders, Surfers, Skiers, Hockey Players and Xtreme sports enthusiasts - you will love this one!

Take one kick tail board, one dual bearing, multi-rotational , polyurethene wheel and strap them together with an I" beam and bungy cord and you will have a whole lot of balance going on. Boarders and skiiers will love the skills and tricks that they can master on our Bongo Balance Board. Boarders, Surfers, Skiers, Hockey Players and Xtreme sports enthusiasts will love this one! Bongo Balance Boards were king for balance freaks in the 60s and 70s. Now it's back and faster than ever!

Benefits of using the Bongo Board

Balance - Static and Dynamic for enhanced sport and fitness participation.
Postural Awareness - To correct inefficient body movements with little physical effort.

Proprioception - The body's internal mechanisms for enhancing muscular movements that then call upon 'memories' stored in the muscles, bones and connective tissues to repeat a performance later on.
Kinesthetic Sense - Enhances ability to judge the position of your body in space.

Stability - Improve balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries associated with various sports and everyday activities.

Mobility - Retraining the body to move impulsively and freely without limitation.

Body Awareness - Learn via feelings/stimulus created by the board to instinctively be aware of muscles, muscle groups and limbs as they work to stabilize the body.

Confidence - The direct result of learning body awareness through balance conditioning.

Visual Challenge: To challenge your balance recovery ability, try the following exercises. Attempt only when a high confidence level has been achieved on the Bongo Board.

Play with eyes open and eyesclosed during exercises.
When eyes are opened, explore the balance challenge of gently moving the head and neck up and down and then side to side.

To enhance performance try to stabilize the head, neck and upper body.
Focus vision ahead into the horizon, but soften your gaze to enhance the peripheral field of vision. How far to the sides can you see while focusing ahead?

Skill Progression: As you progress and gain confidence on your Bongo Board, you may like to try some tricks to further enhance and develop your balance coordination.

Outside Magazine says "Ride the halfpipe at home! Bang up techniques for mastering the Bongo Balance Board, the snowboarder's best friend."

Fitter Bongo Board Sold at